Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Strive to be better or strive to be perfect I ask myself?  Somehow more often I have heard myself saying many times  " it has to be perfect "   and I have also heard some of my friends say "I am a perfectionist so this wedding has to be perfect" and lately I heard a friend say " ...but nobody is perfect" in other words are  some of us   striving to be   perfect without us realizing it? 

The question is what we think is perfect, is it really perfect ? I began to inventions nothing is evovle with time...what we think is perfect today may be history in the future... Just look at telephones  and how it has  evovled to what it is now, so small, pocket size, multifunctional  and still evovling .The same is happening to so many other human inventions. Think about it !? It made me wonder whether  the inventors are chasing after perfection .

Then I ask myself can perfect be like beauty ? Beauty they say is in the eyes of  the beholder. What  is perfect then? If perfect is also in the eyes of the beholder then what is perfect to you may not be perfect to me and the others. So as long as we are human does it mean that   perfection is beyond our reach?.
Well, if we can recall the recent tsunami in Japan, analysts did say that when the nuclear power plant was built inventors did make calculations and  took into consideration probabability of occurence  of such an event. However in reality when tsunami hit the area  the nuclear power plants could  not withstand the force of nature. Complications arose due to nuclear gas leak and the tragedy saddened the whole world  and touches everyone's heart . A  memory that will remain if not haunt some of us for a very very long  time.So the question that arise is what lesson  learnt ? Does it mean we humans can only try our best and strive to achieve perfection but to be perfect is near impossible because the concept of  perfect is belongs to HIM .. Only Allah is perfect and perfection is HIS. His creation is always perfect and what he created if we think is imperfect is only a matter of  opinion from our point of view...He has his reasons... and that makes it perfect...
fusion of leaves

fusion of flowers
Of course I had to go  to my garden to find perfection. I immediately saw perfection  was all over ...I look at the leaves , they are green but if you  look at it closely they are different shades of green, different in shape and sizes, similar yet not the same. If you examine closer you will be able to notice all these differences.They   like humans, have their own   "thumbprint"! .  I looked at my  roses which was blooming in the dozens  and they look beautiful...the colors perfect...the shape perfect...the size perfect...the scent perfect...and just like the leaves each individual rose have their own identity too. In short no two roses are the same although they come from the same stem ! Amazing ....isn'nt it? I just could not find any imperfection in them . Mashaalah...Subhanallah....
a perfect creation

I began to see my relationship with plants and roses in relation to perfection. Thinking aloud I thought , roses are perfect creation of Allah, no doubt about it but on the other hand some would say  it has to be tendered with love and care for it to bloom beautifully. It still would require human intervention in terms of knowledge in caring like  pruning and manuring etc.  Looking at it from the angle of face value I agree totally. But if you observe carefully  you will  realize that human intervention only happens  in situation where we  try to grow roses ourselves in controlled environment.  Somehow roses that grow in the wild, in their natural habitat they require no human intervention and  they are even more beautiful. Why? Because where human has not interfered there is balance in nature, in other words all is perfect,as Allah had created in the first place, all in perfect balance.

double delight

However after giving it a deep thought I think  unlike the rose I cannot strive to be a perfect person in whatever I say or do ...because I am just human .....what I can try to do is to strive to be better...a better my relationship with others and more important in my relationship to the one who created me ....Allah. The rest just leave it to HIM That makes me feel much  better ...I do not know whether you feel the same...


Thursday, October 6, 2011



Hello there

claw 1
What is your reaction if you heard someone say " is it not better to have hands than to have a handbag, better to have feet than shoes?" It shook me! I never saw it in that light ..never ...Hmm... I thought quickly ... All this while my focus  was ..what handbag next ? GUCCI...or  LOIUS VOUITTON or ????!       What shoes next ..BALLY...TODS..BRUNO MAGLI....????

mix roses
How silly can I be? I suddenly took  a good look at my hands my feet...only this time I make sure I  see both my hands and feet with my heart. You know the difference when you see things with your eyes  you  just see the vision at face value but if you see it with your heart you almost can feel and appreciate it's beauty. So this time when I really took a "good look"  at my hands and feet I noticed  not only they are beautiful but they are perfect!

Angel Face
view from my mousollah
I tried to wriggle my hands,  pick up a bottle with it, pick up a pin and was amazed at  its agility  and usefulness. I began to imagine if I loose a thumb what will happen? I tried picking up the same things as above but this time  pretended I have no thumb and found it very difficult if not near impossible!

Mashaallah..what a unique creation!! Whose work can it be if it is not Allah ! I stop to ponder and went to the mirror to have a good look again at myself . I have so much ..if  I tried to list what I have on me and in me it would be an endless long list because I am sure there is more to be found  what else we have in us ... thank GOD! I began to thank HIM for creating me so perfect ...HE has given me the best ..what more can I  ask?..and all this time I worry over next to nothing ..over material things that wither away even before I die . Unlike my hands and feet they last a lifetime!

mini roses
To those who disagree, hear me ..I  am not saying you cannot have  handbags or shoes ...but the difference is in principle to give  the handbag or the shoe priority over those hands and feet !!! That is the issue least it WAS for me then!

After giving it a lot of thought, now I am starting to appreciate what I have for free! Free? What is free you might ask. Who would give anything for free these days. The AIR ! Imagine no air??? Thank god it is free? Unlike water which we also need badly  was once free from the rivers, now from the tap ,  there is a cost for convenience that we all have to bear.


Hybrid Rose
Trying to appreciate the air I began to  breathe deeply ....closing my eyes trying to feel all the air that is going into my lungs good it made me feel.. all this while I never bothered ..I just took it for granted that breathing was a natural thing to do ..why fuss ? I gave it a deep thought ....hmmm...if humans were to manage the air we breathe what happens if I delayed in paying the bills....just like I did to my handfon ! I was denied of usage.. Oh no! denied from breathing simply means cannot breathe bye bye to this world ..ardious ...ina lilla ...

 I thank Allah the  almighty...(AR-RAHMAN) for his greatness, he knew  men's natural instinct on greed because he created them so HE  created air in a manner it's there everywhere for everyone irrespective of race and creed...  "subhanallah"....

double delight 
What is the correlation with gardens then? I remembered when I was little the teacher used to tell me that we share our oxygen with plants but the plants are thoughtful she said because they give out oxygen in the daytime and only give out carbondioxide in the night time. I look at my garden which is full of green leaves from the giant heconias and a tree called the Pride of Myanmar or Queen of Flowering Tree. As I take my usual morning walk I breathe in deeply and  slowly ..and this time I could smell the freshness  in the air as the rain just stopped and I could also smell the different scents from the  parfum generated by the the roses,  jasmine,murraya paniculata, odontanedenia, strohanthus gratus,aglaia duperieana local name chinese perfume plant or chinese rice flower or mock lemon who are all in fullbloom. How lucky I am  able to smell all those fragrances for free ...suddenly I was reminded again .. that nose is that nose that enable me to smell...I cherished that nose more than ever now !

strohanthus gratus
Have you ever given it a thought,  if you are handicapp or suffering from parkinson's disease you cannot handle an egg or a flower for that matter...picking or holding an egg is an art that we picked up when as we grew up...just try watching toddlers when they handle an egg or a flower for the first time ...what happened? They most probably drop it or crush it isn'nt it ? My thoughts began to race... even if we have a cupboardful of handbags the question is whether we can still carry the same handbag with style and grace when we are 84 years old! However we should thank god if we still have those hands ....
Aglaia Duperieana
kerak nasi
So now I feel enriched with whatever I already have, myself especially, my husband, my children my sister, my relations and friends. Now I walk tall, feel comfortable with myself anywhere ...I do not need any material thing that is  branded like Brabus or Louiss Vouitton  to hang on to to make a statement of who I am or what I can afford, I am just happy and at ease to be just me. Now without even thinking I would just grab any recycle bag when I need to go out daughter noticed the change in me and  did ask me one day.." mama" she said, " what is wrong with you, why are you carrying that "thing" where are your handbags?" I just smiled and said thank god I have these hands ....

In your case did you ever gave a thought what or who you cherish it still with you now it worth to cherish.......if you had lost it did you cherished it while you had it ????