Friday, December 10, 2010

Ever dream of your own sanctuary?!!

view from my sitting room

Asalamualaikum and hello,

I prefer to be addressed as FB because that abbreviation has been with me since and for those who is familiar with that abbreviation will automatically know who I am. For those who do not, I am FB and a pensioner. Used to be in the rat race but  I chose to retire early (7 months early) because  from where I am I began to percieve and  suddenly felt suffocated with the office drama where ingenuity is the culture of the day. For those who beg to differ go ahead because I maybe wrong, as I say it is only my perception, my point of view but whatever it is   it made me felt sick in the stomach and in the mind and worse it made me felt stupid to be part of a team that had no sincere vision. All that was up there is EGO that was too big for the head, body and soul. I had to get out, I had to have my own space, I needed to breath ...I needed to fly away and most of all I needed to  FREE from all the pretenders from all the ingenuity ...and here I am at last ....syukur alhamdulilah FREE as a bird ...contented...with no regrets..and most important HAPPY...body and soul...

Talking about HAPPINESS I was overwhelmed when I read a chapter on "The Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islam" in a book entitled "PROLEGOMENA - To The Metaphysics of Islam" by Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Atas when he said Happiness according to the perspective of Islam is termed by the term sa'adah, and it relates to two dimensions of existence : to the hereafter (ukhrawiyyah) and to the present world (dunyawiyyah).The contrary of sa'adah is shaqawah which conveys the  meaning of great misfortune and misery in general. With respect to the hereafter sa'adah refers to ultimate happines, which is everlasting  felicity and bliss,the highest being the Vision of God, promised to those who in worldly life have lived in willing submission and concious and knowing obedience of God's commands and prohibitions." you should try reading as he explained further the relation of sa'adah to the hereafter is very closely connected with its relation to the present world especially first to the self (nafsiyyah) which pertains to knowledge and good character, second to the body (badaniyyah) such as good health and security and third to things external to the self and body such as wealth and other causes that promote  the well being of self , body and the external things and circumstances in relation to them. Happiness therefore in the present world pertains not only to the secular life but more so it has also to do with life as interpreted and guided by religion whose source is revelation......

In relation to the above I try to lead a simple and uncomplicated life where I now  see this world with the same eyes but in a different light. I indulge myself in gardening ....why gardening ??? because u get to be so close to god so to say ...u begin with nothing then suddenly with patience and peserverence u can eend up with a beautiful garden ....


  1. hi kiyut mama...

  2. Assalamualaikum Datuk.
    Suka gambar 'View From My Sitting Room'. Macam gambar dalam magazine .. cantik!
    (Wan Ainon Suhaiza)

  3. Wan thanks for visiting my blog and thanks you appreciate the view from my sitting room. Try visiting me for tea and you can enjoy the view and the private garden. Just let me know. I just posted another posting entitle "When it rains " hope u can visit and comment. Salam to all i know and let others know ? I will try and do posting at least alternate saturdays.

  4. Wowww!!!
    What a nice photo...sapa photographernya?? So professional. I likeeeee...

  5. Azie i lah photograhernya sapa lagi? Camera cannon given by my daughters for my birthday..azie have u read my latest write up about my cuvu title "gift of life " let me know ok
