Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A HOUSE.... OR A HOME.....


A Home is where one wants to come back to....
Simple & Humble
Rush back to...
A Home is....
Where there is warmth...
Where there is love...
laze around
Where there is affection....
....and humor...
...and laughter...

Where talking is music to the ears....
Where silence is also communication...
Where ambiance is humble, simple and lived in ...
....where one feel comfortable...
..feel belong...
Where one just laze around....
....dream....lost in one's thoughts..
free to behave just being around...

A Home makes one feel safe...
..feel cared for......

A place where one is free to behave.....
Where one can make mistakes and forgiven....
Where mistakes is seen as a learning experience....
Where one is allowed to grow....
Where one is picked when one falls....
Where one is lead with love and understanding....
Hand in hand ...together the same destination.

Where the word 'I' is nonexistent.....
Where 'WE' is important...
Where one is accepted as a package.....
...including weakness and strength ....
Where perfection is just a word.....
Where love, understanding and compassion takes over....

A House

A House???
Is cold...
Is perfect...
Where warmth is by the fireplace...
Where love and affection is expected....
Where material is mistaken for love.....
...where it is a crime to forget dates... birthdays, anniversaries..etc..
play together

Where work and workplace is more satisfying...
Eat Together
Where time  is unavailable...
..just to be around....
....just to be there...
Just to be eat together.... laugh together over silly matters.... play together....
.or just be together doing nothing...

To want to be Home
Need no reason....
No justification....... feel fulfilled...
feel peace.....feel complete......

What do have???
A HOUSE ???? OR...
.......A HOME.....????