Saturday, November 12, 2011


Night & Day - A Miracle
 Working Days
Asalamualaikum  & Hello
What i missed ?!!

Upon reflection I never realize that when  I was working  I did not care to look at the sky and the sun in the mornings. I was rushing off to work... Why should I ? I thought then ...why fuss's there always  ...where will it go ??? Anyway what  was there to look at ? It was dark when I left for  work and my head was full of what to do  "today" or what to submit  "today" and when the sun starts to shine I was already running to punch in. My card  was always near red alert!!! So how to notice the sky and the sun !!! When in the office I do not know the time unless I look at my watch. Most of the time I will be running to meeting rooms for meeting, meeting and more meetings ....and of course always arriving in the nick of time !!! Whooshhhh!!! That was life then !!!
View from my office window

Mornings and sun for me sort of  did not exist. It was replaced  by the flourescent lights that lit the office rooms, the corridors and everywhere else. Days in the office passes  by so quickly and although I have the most beautiful view from my office window I never had the chance to appreciate it as my fingers will be on the keyboard of the desk computer or my blackberry giving instructions to my subordinates or checking the e mails that seem to flow in like the river nile !

 On top of that I did not even notice that evening has arrived and the sun has set. I would be alerted  that evening has arrived by the hand fon alarm that I have  set as a  reminder for me  to  "solat magrib"              ( evening prayers) just before I hit for a place call home...on a lucky day !...Of course by the time I am  home it was already pitch dark ..what quality of life did I have then ! Hurmmm.... would it be appropriate to call it  "Darkness"....  ?!!

ever witnessed ?
 Dusk & Dawn & The Quran

What about now? Now? Now that I am a pensioner I have the pleasure to witness both dusk and dawn from the long windows of my "mousoullah" (a place for worship in my home) and I even notice that  the process of dusk and dawn is clearly outlined in the Quran as below  :
Quran Surah 36, Yassin,  verse 37
" And the night is another sign for them. We strip the day from it and they become plunged into darkness " 

 Quran surah 36, Yassin verse 38
 " The sun is running it's course to it's appointed place. That is the ordaining of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing "

 verse 39
 " we have appointed stages for the moon till it returns in the shape of a dry old branch palm tree"
Verse 40
 " Neither does it lie in the sun's power to overtake the moon nor can the night outstrip the day . All glide along , each in it's own orbit "

coming of dawn

How true? Before darkness befall we can witness the process of stripping when the light in the horizon starts to fade away in stages. The astronauts in this case have the privelege to witness the above process from the orbit as this process of stripping is clearly seen if one is really above this world. Try to google and see for yourself !  But since we are here on this earth try to observe when the sun rise or set..The sky from pale blue throughout the day suddenly slowly transformed itself into glamourous gold autumn colour and is most beautiful! Mashaallah ! Then in a split second darkness engulf us  all like a huge black blanket. You suddenly cannot see what you saw a minute ago..what you can see of course is what man made light let you in depth and distance  .... without it, it's total darkness ...subhanallah ...

 The magic of dusk & dawn
process of stripping

 I read the above passages over and over again and now as dawn approaches. I watch in awe as the rays of the sun penetrates the earth at the speed of light yet seem at its own pace and all of a sudden  this world is lit ...


My garden from total darkness come to life again showing off its different colours  through the leaves in the trees, the flowers and the grass.

Hmm..Honey !
Even the birds starts to chirp incessantly and the squirrels start to appear from nowhere running up and down the garden... everything plants, insects and animals busy doing their business   smiling and dancing as if thanking god for the light of the day ...

A Fly ?
Dawn the most peaceful part of the day..the most refreshing...the point where life starts again...  As long as  the moon and the sun and everything in the galaxy all glide along each in it's own orbit ....just as stated in the quran as above ....we will witness dawn and dusk every other day ....
Dawn or Dusk ?

However do not take forgranted that  dawn and dusk awaits you forever day it won't...because  the day will come when the sun and the moon  will not be there as clearly stated  in the Quran surah 75 Qiyamah  Verse 9 ......." the sun and the moon are joined together" ......

BANG !!!! its THE END ....of the world ....

Subhanallah .... We are but small and at HIS mercy ......but for now Thank you Allah....

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Aisya Sarra
Gift of Life
Quran Surah 23 - Al-Mu'minun (The Believers)
Verse 14
then We made this drop into a clot,
then We made the clot into a lump,
then We made the lump into bones,
then we cloth the bones with flesh, and ...
then We caused it to grow into another creation....
Thus most Blessed Allah....
The best of those who create...

This process of creation  happens in the creation of all animals as well, but God has shaped man into a special creature different from animals......mashaallah ....

Arrival of Aisya Sarra

It was an anxious wait ..because the date 11/11/11 was a day ahead and it was the date that everyone was hoping for ..Why? Just because it looks great on your birth certificate and identity card  if your birthday were to fall on such a date ...but Aisya Sarra arrived  on 10/11/11 at about 6.30pm a birth that only happen after conception determined only by the great  one ..Allah money in whatever currency and no man in whatever position can have the power to make it happen !!!

We recieved the fon call and we screamed ...literally....Aisya Sarra is here ...she has arrived ...lets get ready quickly ..lets go ...lets go.. Her two brothers, Imran Ariff the elder one who is four years old and Ridhwan Ariff who is two and a half  both scrambled to the bathroom making  sure they look and smell good for Aisya Sarra...their new sister..

On arrival to the  hospital  we had to wait for quite a while before the nurse brought Aisya Sarra ...we saw her..a bundle of joy ..many would  refer to ...Her head was full of hair, jet black and including sideburns! Yes sideburns ....yet she look absolutely gorgeous and beautiful !!!  I looked at her in amazement and my heart quivered...disturbed and touched .....somehow ....this time the arrival of Aisya Sarra my third granddaughter  made my heart stopped a second to wonder at this magical moment  ...... because   at this golden age   I somehow saw her arrival from a different window the window of life was a special gift ....a..GIFT OF LIFE . Before, I was too busy to notice the difference ....I was  consumed with the daily routine of the material world, the past I took it for granted attitude that says's natural ..why fuss ??
Candy Cane

Softer than silk
Today I  the true meaning of the phrase "gift of life" hit me right through, it made me see the difference that  human  life is really special  Just try comparing  the gift of life to animals and plants .The difference you will notice that human has the ability to make rational choices and should be able to handle feelings or emotions of  anger, hatred or love. Able to think and accept that at the end of the day  one has to face the  consequences of the choice made in reference to the Quran  and Sunnah . I thank god that he made me see today through Aisya Sarra what  I missed before ...I thank Allah for the life he gave her and all of us  ...I thank him for the  nur i.e. the light  that  reminded me  where I came from and where I will  be be going when life  end .
Gift from Heaven
I looked at her ..she is only a day old...a long way to go ..and me? I am already reaching the end as I am sixty years old ...long overdue ..And I began to ask myself ..what choices did I make along the way ..did I make the right choices ?  Am I ready to face Allah and answer for all my choices ?! Subhanallah !
Trapped ?!

In islam there must be balance between iman (faith) and amal (practice) During the recent talk I was shaken again when I was told to look around and see...looking through the glass we might be able to see that   some of us appear to have "iman" , that is admitting we have all the knowlege with regards to faith in god but   when taken under the microscope examining our "amal" that is our doings or deeds in this world it is hard to admit  the truth that they not congruent and therefore  in conflict with each other. When a person is not congruent it disturbs the balance in us. That is why for many of us although we may have all the material needs that we think we require unfortunately for many that need is insatiable. The feeling, it is never enough, it lingers like a bottomless pit ! We somehow get ourselves trapped !
Cofused? Banana ?? Edible

The irony even for those who believe all that exit in this world  is natural due to nature ..appear to be  confuse because some or the cause they are trying to uphold in the name of human rights is against the law of nature itself. That happens when one is not in congruent within oneself. Just look around  nowadays  we can witness alot of Allah's command in the quran is construed by many to be not in line with the present. Worse those accusations are made by many who never once read or studied the Quran and it's contents in depth with those in authority. Yet they  insist that they are right and label Allah's commands as outdated and traditional and archaic and not in line with human rights! However I personally find it odd because all these intrepretations are made by those we refer to as "jahil" meaning when one who is not the expert in the field and do not have the knowledge but claim to be as the expert. It is just like someone who read a little on the heart disease for example and yet claim he knows best...  claim he is the such a case is he your point of reference where  would you  would seek and trust his advise   ....Would you?

If you keep your ears open, at present many issues with regards to the above said are being debated and I will leave it to your good judgement to decide where you stand . As said above the choice and consequence is yours ...
Choosing the right path ?

Therefore in trying  to make the right choices I love to be made aware that choices here mean choosing the right path as determine by Allah in the quran and the teachings from the prophet Muhamad s.a.w. for those who embrace Islam . Making the right choice would also mean not at face value..we have to walk the talk and try our level best to be congruent in mind, soul and actions as we have to answer to Allah when we face him hereafter. How to ? Definitely it is not easy..who says it is .. of course it is easier said than done..but try we must !

I looked at Aisya Sarra again and pray that Allah will show her and her brothers the right path....because being able to be in the right path they will be able to withstand  all odds especially in this virtual life where there is no borders. Everything good or bad is on the net.. she has to make a choice...Insyaallah choosing the right path is the only way in principle where Allah will always be there keep them safe, sane and more important not confuse and blurred and congruent to face the challenges ahead of them.

Inshaalah god permit ..Aisya Sarra ..and brothers  will find time to thank Allah in times of prosper or otherwise and most important at the end of the road they will be ready to face Allah and thank HIM  again for giving them LIFE a GIFT they cannot get from stores... A gift only from Allah...

Subhanallah....its time I be reminded to thank Allah too for the same gift  he gave me.... like he gave Aisya Sarra ...what about you ?!

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